December Sendai

Polygon Count:
3451 Triangles
Weapons & Accessories
1974 Triangles
5425 Triangles

1 512x512 color, 512x512 alpha, & 512x512 specular

Weapons & Accessories
1 512x512 color, 512x512 alpha, & 512x512 specular

coffee cup
1 512x512 color, 512x512 alpha, & 512x512 specular

Type of Model:
Action/Adventure Game Model, like Tomb Raider Legends
Inspired by the works of the artists Bengal & Brandon Graham. The JB's song "Grunt" is on her mp3 player, in case you're that interested.
This model appeared in The Game Animator's Guide to Rigging In Maya by Michael McKinley. I'm probably a little biased, but it's a great book & I highly recommend it!

Work in Progress:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

all content © jared lewis, unless otherwise noted